P. 197

Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa)

           During the process of creation, abstract configurations     balanced and supporting function for the form. This line is
           experience a revival to become a lively and stirring        anchored in the bottom part of the painting by means of a
           existence under the brush of Erica Fromme.                  shape angle that appears laterally, also painted in black,
           Erica Fromme brings a fantastic creature to life which      so that the praying mantis is balanced instable equilibrium.

           seems to attain an everlasting existence through the        Her figure is not static but rather understood as a dynamic
           reducation  of  technical  means  in  accordance  with  the   shimmering through the finely drawing wings and limbs.
           pointer’s artistic impulses, using but limited means in     There  are,  as  is  the  main  part  of  the  body,  pointed  to
           regards to form and color.                                  tones of gray, supplemented by three smaller dot-like red

           Constructed of elementary geometrical shapes such           surfaces which point to the insect’s vigilance and desire to
           as circles, ellipses, triangles, and rhombs, the creature   catch a prey. If one were to connect the red dots a quasi
           of the praying mantis looks out through an utterly          mirrored image of the black line would appear. By the
           mathematical structure in  its individual  constitution at   means, equilibrium between the insect’s livelihood in its

           those contemplating the picture communicating to them its   composition and its acts of impulse comes into existence.
           existentialism, its dedicate body shape, and its decisive will   In a figurative sense this painting by Erica Fromme
           to live. The individual parts are held together by means of   embodies a strong will to live, the beauty of the creature,
           the zestful black line which similar to our spines forms the   and a great deal of luck in existence.
                                                                          Dr. Marta Oberrauch-Melniczuk, Philosophical Art Critic

           ROMANTIC EVE, 2020 MIXED MEDIA ON CANVAS 45.6X30.7 IN. | 116X78 CM

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