P. 260
Jean Jacques Porret
Lives and works in Chicago, IL, United States
The Artist
After acquiring his engineering degree, Porret came to New impassioned dialogue with his art, Jean Jacques began
York, anxious to learn English and build a life on his own to incorporate marble and granite into his bronzes, and
terms. There, Porret’s career came into motion, a career in recent works these elements have become an integral
which soon after led him to Chicago. No one can explain part of the bronze sculpture. Those aspects of Porret’s
the driving force of an artist. Liberty is made for those personality which could not be suppressed by rules are
who have a combative and creative spirit and imagination. what make him so original and are the poetry of his work.
He was drawn to and learned the techniques involved He represents people in the abstract, one form softly
in creating bronze sculptures and lost wax casting. melting into the next. On some pieces there are fragments
Bronze primarily interested him, ”because it is the most of granite or marble jutting and piercing through the
demanding material which is responsive and sweet to the bronzes, blending the forces of nature and man, creating
touch.” Porret’s thirst for knowledge took him to museums a stunningly modernistic and seductive interpretation of
all over the world, absorbing all he could and sharing the human form.
philosophies with the most prominent artist of the time.
Modern Bronze Sculpture
Modern Metal Artwork Jean Jacques said of himself, ”I work without any
Today, years later, Jean Jacques Porret’s bronzes can be preconceived idea…(I) continue instinctively, with one
seen in innumerable collections throughout Europe, Japan shape leading to the next, until the figure is simply
and the United States. He was commissioned to create the rhythm in space.” Jean Jacques continues, ”lost wax is a
bronze sculpture for the American-Swiss Friendship Award. slow multi-step process that has endured only because
The ”Abage Encyclopedia of bronzes” describes Porret as of the results…knowing that my bronze sculptures will
”an independent thinker, whose bronze sculpture might be outlive me provides a comforting whiff of immortality. I
described as a naturalistic, modern blend, in which forms believe everyone wants to leave something behind.” The
are simplified to their essential rhythms and elements.” uniqueness of Porret is his strong individuality mixed with
Several years ago, Porret, dissatisfied with his sculpture’s tremendous sensitivity. A spirit of exacting professionalism
and unswerving integrity have guided a life of total artistic
bases, bought a granite and marble company, so as to have
TOP CONTEMPOR ARY ARTISTS complete control in their creation. Having an ongoing and dedication and personal expression.