P. 70

John Trinh

                                   Lives and works in Westminster, CA, United States of America

           I paint what I feel strongly about. My mottos are          simple message to people of all ages. These images
           ”Less is more” (Anonymous), ”It takes a long time to       play a big role in our contemporary life; we see them
           become young” (Picasso), and ”Do ordinary things           daily and they influence many of our activities, so
           with extraordinary love” (Mother Teresa). I paint icons    they have great universality. That universality allows

           - the graphic style and images I see everywhere I go,      me to move beyond ethnicity or race in my paintings
           from the screen of a television or a computer to the       and instead focus on the thoughts I want to express,
           traffic sign at the street corner. Nothing represents      and things that I feel strongly about. To me, these are
           my motto less is more than those graphic images.           more important even than style and technique. Dark

           There is an abstract quality, a highly condensed           and light, cold and warm, dull and saturated, thick
           and refined thought process in those images that           and thin, flatness and volume, soft and hard edges,
           is creatively very substantial. They send a strong,        and designs are fundamental material of my work.

          TOP CONTEMPOR ARY ARTISTS  UNTITLED 1, 2019 DIGITAL MEDIA 48X34 IN. | 121,9X86,3CM.                        UNTITLED 2, 2019 DIGITAL MEDIA 48X34 IN. | 121,9X86,3CM.

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