Page 82 - SACAL: Bibliophile Limited Edition Art Book Authentic Signed & Numbered By Artist
P. 82
La eterna lucha entre el hombre y la
materia, adquiere una solución estética en The eternal struggle between man and matter,
la obra inusitada de José Sacal. Este artista acquires an aesthetic solution in the unusual
amalgama concepto y forma con resultados work of José Sacal. This artist puts together
sorprendentes. Su pasión desbordada por concept and form with surprising results. His
el arte se aprecia en el nivel de sus piezas, unbridled passion for art can be seen in the
dejando en cada una de ellas indudablemente level of their parts, leaving in each undoubtedly
un jirón de su propia alma. (Luis Eduardo Feher) a shred in his own soul. (Eduardo Luis Feher)
FUshKA, 2013 ELECTRopLATIng 15 Kg | 33 LBs, 23,5x13x10,5 In. | 60x34x27 Cm.