Page 167 - SACAL: Bibliophile Limited Edition Art Book Authentic Signed & Numbered By Artist
P. 167
A murmur runs through the trees of a house The hours pass like arrows in Sacal´s mind, his
in Cuernavaca and involves a child playing heart beat is strong.
with earth moistened by the summer rain; he
raises his head thinking he heard his name, Now it is the clay which runs the route of his
looks around and sees no one, carefree sinks hands and seduces the spirit of the artist to
hands in the cool mud and smiles illuminating encourage the subconscious. In this way the
his small face.As an adult, he sinks his hands static image that the author had in mind, before
in the clay and he quickly remembers his starting to create the nervous system, muscle
childhood, youth and Maturity ... he has an idea, tissue and bone structures, he releases its
his breathing slows down as the movements stony rigidity to rise from a swirl of smoke being
of his hands become the rhythm of a mantra... baptized by the dim golden look of dawn.
a couple, in togetherness as one; peace that
harmonizes a dialogue between his fingers Without minding the time, Sacal is immersed in
and the voice of nature. Everything is worth it a game shaping the forms of earth and water,
to be observed and it is possible to learn from a deep joy is felt by the artist, now he is able
anything. Worried at the apathy of the people to synthesize the macrocosm into microcosm,
Jose Sacal looks for the way to motivate the he can re-order the world, it is the medium
human thought through his art. between nature and work. (Dulce maria Curzio)
AngUIAno (mUJER Con IgUAnAs | womAn wITh IgUAnAs), 2006 BRonzE 5 Kg | 11 LBs, 151,5x5,5x6 In. | 385x14x15 Cm.
gIAmBoLognA’s ThE RApE oF ThE sABInE 1 | ThE RApE oF ThE sABInE 1, 2006 BRonzE 60 Kg | 132 LBs, 40x25,5x21,5 In. | 102x65x55 Cm.