Page 109 - SACAL: Bibliophile Limited Edition Art Book Authentic Signed & Numbered By Artist
P. 109
From an introverted, quiet and a little dreamy Because he establishes a silent communication
personality, José Sacal uses art to express his with the viewer that goes beyond words or
emotions, his concerns and to convey his love facts, in a language which touches one´s soul.
and harmony. Movement and perfection. The Sculptures that wrap and grow in their struggle
precision in those beings who happily acquire to be free, to have something to embrace, to fix
strength in their art. its place in the world, using body expressions
His works are pleasant manifestations of to demand justice. “What a precision of those
various moods an their language is living beings who strive to happily use their strength
poetry. Bodily expressions, feelings, order and of creation! ...”
discipline manifested in each of his works. (maite Alarcón Vital)
DUChAmp, 2006 wooD AnD poRCELAIn 10 Kg | 22 LBs, 16,5x14,5x6,5 In. | 43x38x17 Cm.
hEnRy mooRE, 2006 BRonzE 10 Kg | 22 LBs, 9x6,5x12,5 In. | 23x17x33 Cm.
AmERICAn goThIC (gRAnT wooD), 2006 BRonzE 30 Kg | 66 LBs, 26,5x10,5x15,5 In. | 68x27x40 Cm.
ghIRLAnDAIo, 2006 BRonzE 30 Kg | 66 LBs, 26,5x21,5x14,5 In. | 68x55x37 Cm.
nEw yoRK (o’KEFFE), 2006 BRonzE 20 Kg | 44 LBs, 22x12,5x16,5 In. | 58x33x43 Cm.
InTImIDAD | InTImACy, 2005 BRonzE 12 Kg | 26 LBs, 10,5x6x11 In. | 27x16x29 Cm.