Page 8 - THELIN
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Philippe Thélin - The expressive force
Alain Chivilò | Art Critic, Curator, Freelance Journalist
In the last century, the artistic movement of A continuous struggle determined by deep
Expressionism, remaining in the figurative emotions, is born in long compositional
field, created and unveiled the feelings of silences, because the Swiss master finds in
humanity. Emotions and sensations that in them the essence that allows him to reveal
the Fine Arts found new forms of expression the true color and the true brutal style that
than the past. determines the reality.
A storm and an inner assault pervade his
The Swiss artist Philippe Thélin in his works in landscapes, still life, portraits,
personal artistic career feels this: a strong flowers and self-portraits.
will to express everything that society
perceives, starting from the perceptions that Nothing is stubborn or complacent, because
Master receives by his state of mind. Philippe Thélin’s works are true, raw, strong
A “Sturm und Drang” painting where all always able to shake but at the same time
feelings move on the object represented, to denounce a collective spirit disrupted by
because the deep interiority of the human infinite emotional situations.
soul is constantly traced. A painting
that investigates everything felt through In summary Thélin, as the German writer
interiority. Precisely in Ernst Ludwig Kasimir Edschmid wrote, in expressionist
Kirchner’s quote, “my paintings are allegories, painting we can find “a spirit requirement”
not portraits”, revolves the expressionism where “it is not a style compendium. It’s a
poetics and consequently Thélin painter. soul problem. It’s of humanity”.
Also published in the Italian magazine Artstyle,
summer edition 2017