Page 81 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 81
The lady, seeing Tedaldo's form and semblance, was struck with wonder The knight, who had some pity for Aldobrandino, listened to the pilgrim and,
and fear, thinking she saw a ghost. But when Tedaldo reassured her, saying, with his guidance, captured the two brothers who kept the inn and their
"Fear not, Madam, I am your Tedaldo, alive and well," she was partly awed servant. Under the threat of torture, they confessed to killing Tedaldo Elisei,
and partly reassured by his voice. She looked at him more closely and, explaining that they did so because he had harassed the wife of one of them.
realizing it was truly Tedaldo, threw herself upon his neck, weeping and
kissing him, saying, "Sweet my Tedaldo, welcome home." With this information, the pilgrim went to Madonna Ermellina's house,
where he found her alone and anxious for news of her husband and a
Tedaldo, after embracing her, said, "Madam, now is not the time for intimate reconciliation with Tedaldo. He joyfully told her that Aldobrandino would
greetings. I must act quickly to restore Aldobrandino to you safe and sound. be safe and sound by the next day and explained all that he had done.
I trust you will hear good news by tomorrow evening, and if I receive good Overjoyed by the news and Tedaldo's return, the lady embraced and kissed
news tonight, I will come and tell you." He then resumed his disguise, kissed him, and they spent the night together.
the lady again, and bade her be of good cheer before leaving for the prison.
At daybreak, Tedaldo informed the lady of his plan and left her house in his
At the prison, Tedaldo, posing as a minister of consolation, gained pilgrim's disguise. The signory, now fully aware of the situation, released
admittance and sat by Aldobrandino's side. He said, "Aldobrandino, I am Aldobrandino and later executed the true murderers. Aldobrandino, his lady,
a friend sent by God, who pities you for your innocence. If you grant me and their friends were overjoyed by his release and honored the pilgrim,
a small favor, I assure you that by tomorrow evening, you will hear your who stayed with them.
acquittal pronounced instead of the doom of death."
Aldobrandino, surprised, replied, "I do not know you, but you show concern Seeing that his brothers were now a laughingstock and fearful, Tedaldo
for my safety, so you must be my friend. I did not commit the crime for urged Aldobrandino to reconcile with them. Aldobrandino agreed, and
which I am to be executed, though I have committed other sins. If God has Tedaldo arranged a grand banquet for the next day, inviting the four brothers
pity on me, I will gladly do whatever you ask." and their ladies. The brothers, persuaded by Tedaldo's arguments, sought
Aldobrandino's forgiveness and attended the banquet.
The pilgrim asked only that Aldobrandino pardon Tedaldo's four brothers,
who, believing him guilty of their brother's death, had brought him to this At the banquet, Tedaldo revealed his true identity, astonishing everyone.
strait. Aldobrandino, though he longed for vengeance, agreed to pardon Aldobrandino's wife, Ermellina, initially hesitated but, encouraged by her
them if he were delivered from death. Satisfied with this answer, the husband, embraced Tedaldo. The guests celebrated with singing, dancing,
pilgrim exhorted Aldobrandino to be of good cheer, assuring him that his and merrymaking, and the banquet ended joyfully.
deliverance was near, and then left him.
Tedaldo's return was initially met with skepticism, but a chance encounter
Upon leaving the prison, the pilgrim went straight to the signory and spoke with men-at-arms from Lunigiana revealed that the murdered man was
with a knight in charge. He explained that it was the duty of those in authority Faziuolo da Pontremoli, not Tedaldo. This cleared any lingering doubts
to ensure the truth was brought to light, so that the innocent were not about Tedaldo's identity.
punished and the guilty were held accountable. He informed the knight
that Aldobrandino Palermini was wrongly accused of killing Tedaldo Elisei Tedaldo returned home wealthy and remained devoted to his love. The
and promised to deliver the real murderers before midnight. lady no longer treated him harshly, and they enjoyed a long and discreet
relationship. May we all find solace in our own loves.
The Decameron