Page 71 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 71

The Third Day | The Third Novell                       When Pampinea finished her story, and several of the company
            Storyteller: Filomena                                  praised the groom's bravery and the King's wisdom, the queen
                                                                   turned to Filomena and asked her to continue. Filomena, with a
            Under the guise of confession and a pure conscience, a fair young   gracious manner, began:
            woman, being romantically inclined towards an honest man,   "The story I will tell you is about a trick played by a clever lady
            persuaded a devout and solemn friar to advise her on how to   on a foolish religious man. This tale should be especially amusing
            secretly fulfill her desires and enjoy the company of her friend   to laymen, as these religious men often think themselves more
            without his suspicion or awareness.                    knowledgeable and capable than others, despite their odd manners
                                                                   and habits. In reality, they are often inferior and rely on others for
                                                                   sustenance, much like pigs seeking food. I share this story not
                                                                   only to continue the sequence as the queen requested but also to
                                                                   show that even religious men, in whom we place great faith, can
                                                                   be outwitted by women.

                                                                   In our city, where cunning is more common than love or faith, there
                                                                   lived a gentlewoman endowed with beauty, grace, high spirit, and
                                                                   discernment. Though I know her name, I will not disclose it or any
                                                                   other names in this story, as some might take offense. This high-
                                                                   born lady was married to a wool merchant, whom she disdained
                                                                   due to his occupation. No matter how wealthy he was, she felt
                                                                   he was unworthy of a gentlewoman. She decided to avoid his
                                                                   embraces as much as possible and sought satisfaction elsewhere
                                                                   with a more suitable man.

                                                                   She fell in love with a man worthy of her affection, but he remained
                                                                   unaware of her feelings. She was too cautious to reveal her love
                                                                   directly or through friends. She learned that he was close to a
                                                                   simple, clownish friar, reputed to be very holy. She decided the
                                                                   friar would be the perfect intermediary.

                                                                   One day, she went to the convent where the friar lived and asked
                                                                   to confess to him. The friar, seeing she was a gentlewoman, gladly
                                                                   heard her confession. Afterward, she said, 'Father, I need your help
                                                                   and counsel. My husband loves me dearly and provides for me
                                                                   generously. I love him just as much and would never do anything to
                                                                   harm his honor. However, there is a man, a gentleman who is often
                                                                   with you, who seems to have taken an interest in me. He appears
                                                                   whenever I leave the house, and I fear unmerited reproach may
            1985 HAND COLORED AQUA TINTA / AQUA FORTE              fall upon me. I considered telling my brothers but worried it might
            29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).
                                                                                                           The Decameron
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