Page 64 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 64
The Decameron The queen's story was so beautiful that it received hearty them ineffective, he turned to acts of love. By the time they reached
Monaco, Bartolomea had forgotten the judge and his restrictions and
commendation from everyone, especially from Dioneo, who was
began to live happily with Paganino.
now to conclude the day's narration. He praised the queen's story
Paganino treated her honorably as his wife, and they enjoyed daily
repeatedly and then began:
and nightly solace together.
"Fair ladies, the queen's story has inspired me to change my original
plan and tell a different tale. I want to highlight the foolishness of men
whereabouts and decided to go to Monaco himself, prepared to pay any
like Bernabo, who believe that while they enjoy themselves with various
women, their wives at home remain faithful and untouched. This story Messer Ricciardo, desperate to get his wife back, discovered her
ransom. Upon arrival, he saw her and was seen by her. She informed
will show the folly of such beliefs and the greater folly of those who Paganino of his presence and her intentions. The next morning,
think they can control others' natural desires through sophistry. Ricciardo approached Paganino, who pretended not to know him.
In Pisa, there was a judge named Messer Ricciardo di Chinzica, who Ricciardo delicately explained his purpose, offering to pay any ransom
was more mentally than physically vigorous. He decided to marry and for his wife's return. Paganino cheerfully replied that he would take
sought a young and beautiful wife, thinking he could satisfy her with the Ricciardo to the lady, and if she recognized him and wanted to go with
same resources he used for his studies. He married Bartolomea, a fair him, he would accept any ransom Ricciardo offered.
and lively maiden, but on their wedding night, he failed to consummate
the marriage properly. The next morning, he needed various remedies They went to the house, and Paganino sent for the lady. When she
to revive himself. entered, she did not acknowledge Ricciardo, treating him as a stranger.
Ricciardo, puzzled, thought she might not recognize him due to his
Realizing his limitations, the judge began to teach his wife from a changed appearance from the heartache he had suffered. He spoke
calendar that listed numerous days on which they should abstain from to her, but she responded with a slight smile, claiming not to know
carnal intercourse for religious reasons. He added fast days, Ember him. Ricciardo, thinking she was afraid of Paganino, asked to speak
days, vigils, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, the whole of Lent, and other with her alone. Paganino agreed, provided Ricciardo did not kiss her
exceptions, arguing that intimacy should have its vacations just like the against her will.
administration of the law. This method caused the lady great distress,
as he hardly touched her once a month. In a private room, Ricciardo pleaded with her, but she laughed and
interrupted him, saying she knew who he was but had never been
One hot season, Messer Ricciardo decided to visit his estate near Monte satisfied with him. She criticized his focus on religious observances and
Nero with his wife. To amuse her, he arranged a day's fishing trip. They neglect of her needs. She declared that she was happy with Paganino,
went out to sea in separate boats, enjoying the sport so much that who treated her well and fulfilled her desires. She refused to return
they drifted miles from shore. A galliot of the famous corsair Paganino with Ricciardo, telling him to leave and observe as many feasts as he
da Mare appeared and captured the boat with the ladies. Paganino, liked without her.
captivated by Bartolomea's beauty, took her aboard his galliot and
sailed away, leaving the judge ashore. Ricciardo, heartbroken, tried to persuade her by appealing to her honor
and the dishonor she would face if Paganino tired of her. She dismissed
The judge, jealous and distressed, could do nothing but lament the his concerns, stating that she felt more like a wife with Paganino than
wickedness of the corsairs, as he had no idea who had taken his wife she ever did with Ricciardo. She told him to leave, threatening to raise
or where she was. Paganino, delighted with his prize, decided never to an alarm if he didn't.
part with her. He tried to soothe her sorrow with kind words, but finding
The Decameron