Page 280 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
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The Decameron etchings demonstrate how visual art can complement and Throughout his illustrious career, Petru Russu has selected,
enhance our understanding of literature. By interpreting
exhibited, edited, and published more than 7156 profiles of
contemporary artists in over 55 museum-quality contemporary
Boccaccio’s tales through his etchings, Russu adds a new
art books, including bibliophile limited-edition art books that
dimension to the Decameron, enriching the experience
are numbered and signed by the artists. His artworks have
for those who engage with both the text and the art.
found their place in museums, public, corporate, and private
Petru Russu’s artistic interpretations of Giovanni Boccaccio’s
Decameron through his 100 etchings provide a compelling
example of how visual art can illuminate and expand upon literary collections worldwide.
Petru’s Love, Sex, and Death series is a Middle Ages Trilogy on
works. Through his etchings, Russu captures the emotional and thousands of works and inspirations from Giovanni Boccaccio’s
narrative depth of Boccaccio’s tales, offering viewers a new 707-year-old pre-Renaissance book Il Ddecamerone, Geoffrey
way to experience this classic work. His approach underscores Chaucer’s Pilgrimages or The Canterbury Tales, and Francis
the importance of interpretation in art, demonstrating how a Petrarcha’s Story of Griselda or Tale of Griselds. As Petru’s work
creative vision can reveal new layers of meaning and enrich our developed, he also drew great inspiration from the only Ancient
engagement with literature. Roman novelist Apuleius and his novel The Golden Ass, and from
the finest author of the twentieth century, Umberto Eco’s The
Petru Russu (also known as Petru Rusu), who was born in Name of The Rose and Foucault’s Pendulum.
Transylvania, is a Swedish- Romanian fine artist with a Master
of Fine Arts degree. He is the founder, editor, and publisher THE COLLABORATION OF ART AND BUSINESS CAN LEAD TO
of World of Art (WOA) Publishing and Masters of Today (MOT) INTRIGUING OUTCOMES
Publishing. Additionally, he is the founder and director of Art
Addiction and Artoteque Online Art Galleries. His contributions
to the art world are significant and wide-ranging.
He is a seasoned graduate and an active fine artist with over
four decades of experience in the realms of fine art, art editing,
and art publishing. He holds a degree from the esteemed
University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca, Klausenburg, from
which he graduated in 1979. Later, in 1986, Petru was awarded
an Italian Government Studentship, enabling him to participate
in world-class cultural events with museums, galleries, and
creative technology. This provided him with the opportunity to
meet influential curators, art critics, and art historians, such
as Dan Haulica, Franco Maria Ricci, Achille Bonito Oliva, Enrico
Crispolti, Carmine Benincasa, Giancarlo Politi, and Umberto
Eco, a renowned semiotician, essayist, philosopher, literary
critic, and novelist.
The Decameron