Page 239 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 239

On the morrow, when they were gotten to horse, and had set their faces   The Tenth Day | The Second Novell
            towards Tuscany, the squire informed Ruggieri of the King's command,   Storyteller: Elissa
            and thereupon Ruggieri turned back. On his arrival the King, having already
            heard what he had said touching the mule, gave him a gladsome greeting,   Sir Rogiero de Figiovanni served King Alphonso of Spain,
            and asked him why he had likened him to the mule, or rather the mule to   feeling only slightly respected and rewarded. In response, the
            him. Whereto Messer Ruggieri answered frankly: "My lord, I likened you   King conducted an experiment, proving the knight's bad luck
            to the mule, for that, as you bestow your gifts where it is not meet, and   was to blame, not his own fault. The King then generously
            where meet it were, bestow them not, so the mule where it was meet, did   rewarded him, recognizing his loyalty and service.
            not, and where it was not meet, did." "Messer Ruggieri," replied the King,
            "it is not because I have not discerned in you a knight most good and true,
            for whose merit no gift were too great, that I have not bestowed on you
            such gifts as I have bestowed upon many others, who in comparison of
            you are nothing worth: the fault is none of mine but solely of your fortune,
            which would not suffer me; and that this which I say is true, I will make
            abundantly plain to you." "My lord," returned Messer Ruggieri, "mortified
            am I, not that you gave me no gift, for thereof I had no desire, being too
            rich, but that you made no sign of recognition of my merit; however, I deem
            your explanation sound and honorable, and whatever you shall be pleased
            that I should see, that gladly will I, albeit I believe you without attestation."

            The King then led him into one of the great halls, in which, by his
            prearrangement, were two chests closed under lock and key, and, not a
            few others being present, said to him: "Messer Ruggieri, one of these chests
                                                                   1985 HAND COLORED AQUA TINTA / AQUA FORTE
            contains my crown, scepter and orb, with many a fine girdle, buckle, ring,
                                                                   29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).
            and whatever else of jewelry I possess; the other is full of earth: choose
            then, and whichever you shall choose, be it yours; thereby you will discover
            whether it is due to me or to your fortune that your merits have lacked
            reward." Such being the King's pleasure, Messer Ruggieri chose one of
            the chests, which at the King's command being opened and found to be   It seemed like a miracle to everyone to hear that a prelate had done
            that which contained the earth: "Now, Messer Ruggieri," said the King   something with magnificence; but when the ladies had finished their
            with a laugh, "your own eyes may warrant you of the truth of what I say   remarks, the king asked Filostrato to follow suit; and immediately
            touching Fortune; but truly your merit demands that I take arms against   Filostrato began: "Noble ladies, the magnificence of the King of Spain
            her in your cause. I know that you are not minded to become a Spaniard,   was great, and perhaps the magnificence of the Abbot of Cluny was
            and therefore I shall give you neither castle nor city; but that chest, which   unheard of; but it may seem no less marvelous to you to hear of
            Fortune denied you, I bestow on you in her despite, that you may take it   someone who, to show generosity towards another, resolved to artfully
            with you to your own country, and there with your neighbors justly boast   yield to him his blood, even his very life, for which the other thirsted,
            of your merits, attested by my gifts." Messer Ruggieri took the chest,   and would have done so, had the other chosen to take them, as I shall
            and having thanked the King in a manner befitting such a gift, returned   show you in a little story.
            therewith, well pleased, to Tuscany.
                                                                                                           The Decameron
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