Page 228 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 228

The Decameron  "You must put us up tonight," said Pinuccio; "we thought to get into   as she had thought; so without bothering to light a candle to investigate
            Florence, but, for all the speed we could make, we have only just
                                                                   further, she scolded the cat, and returned to the room, and groped her
                                                                   way straight to the bed in which her husband lay asleep; but not finding
            arrived here, as you see, at this hour." "Pinuccio," replied the host,
                                                                   the cradle there, she said to herself: "Alas! Blunderer that I am, what
            "you know well that I can only make a poor shift to lodge gentlemen
                                                                   was I thinking? God's faith! I was going straight to the guests' bed;"
            like you; but yet, as night has overtaken you here, and time does not
                                                                   and proceeding a little further, she found the cradle, and laid herself
            permit you to go elsewhere, I will gladly give you such accommodation
            as I can." The two gallants then dismounted and entered the inn, and
                                                                   husband; and Adriano, who was still awake, received her with all due
            having first looked to their horses, brought out some supper that they
            had carried with them, and supped with the host.       down by Adriano in the bed that was beside it, taking Adriano for her
                                                                   kindness, and embraced her more than once to her no small delight.
            Now the host had only one small bedroom, in which were three beds,   Meanwhile Pinuccio, fearing that sleep might overtake him while he
            set as conveniently as he could arrange, two on one side of the room,   was still with his mistress, and having satisfied his desire, got up and
            and the third on the opposite side, but, for all that, there was scarcely   left her, to return to his bed; but when he got there, coming upon
            room enough to pass through. The host had the least uncomfortable of   the cradle, he supposed that it was the host's bed; and so going a
            the three beds made up for the two friends; and having quartered them   little further, he laid himself down beside the host, who then woke
            there, some little while afterwards, both being awake, but pretending   up. Supposing that he had Adriano beside him: "I assure you," said
            to be asleep, he caused his daughter to get into one of the other two   Pinuccio to the host, "there was never so sweet a piece of flesh as
            beds, while he and his wife took their places in the third, the good   Niccolosa: by the body of God, such delight have I had of her as never
            woman setting the cradle, in which was her little boy, beside the bed.   had man of woman; and, mark me, since I left you, I have gone up to
            Such, then, being the arrangement of the beds, Pinuccio, who had   the farm some six times." Which news the host being none too pleased
            taken exact note thereof, waited only until he thought all but himself   to hear, said first of all to himself: "What the Devil is this fellow doing
            were asleep, and then got up softly and stole to the bed in which lay   here?" Then, his resentment getting the better of his prudence: "It's
            his beloved, and laid himself beside her; and she, giving him a timid   a gross affront you have put upon me, Pinuccio," said he; "nor do I
            yet glad welcome, he stayed there, taking with her that solace of which   know what occasion you have to do me such a wrong; but by the body
            both were most eager.                                  of God I will pay you out." Pinuccio, who was not the most discreet
                                                                   of gallants, although he was now aware of his error, instead of doing
            Pinuccio being thus with the girl, it happened that certain things, being   his best to repair it, retorted: "And how will you pay me out? What
            knocked over by a cat, fell with a noise that woke the good woman,   can you do?" "Listen to what high words our guests are at together!"
            who, fearing that it might be something more serious, got up as best   said meanwhile the host's wife to Adriano, thinking that she spoke to
            she could in the dark, and went to the place where the noise seemed   her husband. "Let them be," replied Adriano with a laugh: "God give
            to come from. At the same time Adriano, not because of the noise,   them a bad year: they drank too much last night." The good woman
            which he ignored, but perhaps to answer the call of nature, also got   had already half recognized her husband's angry tones, and now that
            up, and searching for a convenient place, came upon the cradle beside   she heard Adriano's voice, she at once knew where she was and with
            the good woman's bed; and not being able to pass otherwise, took   whom. Accordingly, being a discreet woman, she started up, and saying
            it up, and set it beside his own bed, and when he had finished, went   never a word, took her child's cradle, and, though there was not a ray
            back, and without thinking about the cradle, got into bed. The good   of light in the room, carried it, divining rather than feeling her way, to
            woman searched until she found that the accident was not as serious   the side of the bed in which her daughter slept; and then, as if aroused

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