Page 9 - THE DECAMERON: 100 Days on 100 Etchings by Petru Rusu
P. 9

Boccaccio’s                                                                                   fantastic solicitation that the artist renews

                                                                                                           time after time. The text is a sort of pretest to
             Decameron on 100                                                                              stimulate his own taste, his own genius for a

                                                                                                           narrative plot derived from his pure, fantastic,
              Graphic Interpretations                                                                      visionary world, in witch emerges symbolic
                                                                                                           presences, archetypal and mysterious.
              by Petru Rusu                                                                                His sheets are precious for their vivid, but

                                                                                                           softened chromatic that insinuates among the
                                                                                                           spaces made by a skillful etching mark aware
                                                                                                           of the expressive qualities of that medium.
                                               For what I know now, in Petru Rusu’s painting               In front of Rusu’s engravings, we have the
                                               the imaginary seems to develop with an                      sensation of being in the front of ancient
                                               accent of visionary expressionism rather                    miniatures, singularly “oriental”, suddenly
                                               dramatic, arousing, excited. This particular                animated by tensions enchantments, empiric
                                               artistic attitude tests the reality through the             but actual starts and plots. Undoubtedly, there
                                               upcoming of a symbolic-oneiric awareness and                is a surrealist component in Rusu’s figurative
                                               in a sharpening that could even change into                 world that gives to the author the freedom
                                               a scream. It is a painting of profound, psychic             to reach a fantastic dimension as space of
                                               investigation. A violent confession of anguish.             visionary revelation (here we can’t forget the
                                               Rusu’s is crowded by presences, which bring                 great lesson of the Romanian Brauner, with his
                                               dramatically back the reality to a truth of                 peculiar, archetypal surrealism).
                                               archetypes, that the artist put in contrast with
                                               the leveling of the daily horizon.
                                                                                                           Regarding these same Rusu’s sheets, Dan
                                                                                                           Haulica spoke about a ”double dimension of
                                               In this engraving work, this visionary attitude             technological mechanics and organic unity”.
                                               is more accentuated by a narrative easing.                  Actually, the visionary world of Petru Rusu
                                               It loosens the dramatic tension. It gains the               seems to allude to both those dimension, as
                                               pleasure of a pure dreaming-about. It becomes               two competing archetypes in the folds of our
                                               lighter, ironic, motioning. The plot moves                  reality. They seem to be indistinguishable
                                               towards dimensions of pure imagination, as                  inside his visionary plot, where the explicit
                                               it happens in the exercises of a machine that               components are just the floating presences of
                                               belongs to the world of fantasy.                            surreal symbolic figures.

                                               The characters come alive in a metamorphic                 Those dimensions remain at the stage of
                                               dimension. They cross each other into fantastic             spheres of allusion. They are references of the
                                               spaces. They are free from every logic, apart               mechanical plot of our contemporary world and
                                               from the one based on the necessity of their                of the iconic plot that chases us daily. But they
                                               narrative plot. The same narrative plot that                are even references of a remote organic root,
                                               Russu’s fantasy has developed in a game of                  of an anthropological truth on which are based
                                               possible analogies with the text.                           the motivations of a visionary symbolism, like

                                                                                                           Rusu’s one.
                                               Rusu’s figurative tales are not descriptive. They
                                               are only in connection with the text for a pure,                                                  Enrico Crispolti

                                                                                                             Art critic, Curator and Historian, 1987 Rome Italy

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