Page 18 - THE DECAMERON: 100 Days on 100 Etchings by Petru Rusu
P. 18
“Melchizedek and Saladin“
The great sultan Saladin had spent all his vast fortune on three awesome sons, and can’t decide who should receive
wars, and finding himself in a pinch he tries to persuade it. So he gets a jeweler to make two more rings exactly
a Jewish man called Melchizedek to lend him some money. like the first one. But this causes a problem, because after
But Melchizedek isn’t willing and Saladin doesn’t want to the father’s death they find that the rings are so alike,
force him. Well, not openly. So he sends for Melchizedek they can’t decide who should inherit what. Melchizedek
and asks him a question: Which is the authentic law, concludes that these three religions follow the same
Jewish, Saracen (Muslim) or Christian? Melchizedek knows pattern, and to this day, no one can say which one’s the
it’s a trap, so he answers with a story about a man who true law. Saladin sees that Melchizedek is wise and instead
bequeaths a precious ring to one of his sons. Whoever of roughing him up, tells him exactly what funds he needs.
owns the ring will be considered the heir and everyone They come to an understanding and after a time, the Sultan
else will look up to him. This practice is passed down pays him back in full. He also showers Melchizedek with
through generations until one of the descendants has gifts and they become best friends.
“Melchizedek and Saladin” Retrieved from publicly source: shmoop