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artist of the Year, university of british columbia, canada. Publishing house, Paris, France. 1991 harrington Gallery,
1987 one-Man Show, Geneva Institute of Languages, Group-Show, howe Sound Environmental Society auction,
Vancouver, canada. 1987 Great west art Gallery, chemainus, Vancouver, canada. 1991 the canadian heritage arts Society,
canada. 1987 honorable Mention, the Starting Line, canadian Joint Project, canadian tour, Victoria, bc canada. 1991 the
Federation of artists. 1988 Studio colleen, ottawa, canada. 16th International Friendship art Exhibition ’91, tokyo, Japan.
1988 Fort nelson, Mural and Limited Edition, canada’s First 1991 Grand Palais, art contemporain, Society of Independent
People Laird native Friendship Society, Fort nelson, canada. art, Paris, France 1991 Qualicum art Gallery, Group Show,
1988 Festival of creative artists, university of british Qualicum beach, canada. 1992 Experience canada, Mural
columbia, canada. 1989 the atrium, the bank of hong kong, and Limited Edition of Spirit of a nation. 1992 chemainus,
Vancouver, canada. 1989 ‘a world united’ lithograph Ygartua’s native Mural at heritage Square was chosen for
presented by the Spanish consulate in canada to Infanta first reproduction by chemainus Mural Society, british
cristina, duchess of Palma de Mallorca of the Spanish royal columbia, canada. 1992 one-Man Show, casa de cultura
Family, consulate of Spain, Vancouver, canada. 1990 altwis Gorliz, bizkaia, Spain. 1992 the nomadic artist, Profile on
Gallery, Lucerne, Switzerland. 1990 Salon d’automne, art Ygartua at Euskal telebista, (EItb, basque radio-television)
contemporain, Grand Palais, Society of Independent artists the basque country’s public broadcast service, bizkaia, Spain.
Paris, France. 1990 art Vancouver 90, robson Square 1992 Salon d’automne, art contemporain, Grand Palais,
conference centre, Vancouver, canada. 1991 canadian Society of Independent artists, Paris, France. 1992 tokyo
Landmarks and Popular Places by Lindor reynolds, whitecap Metropolitan art Museum, 17th International Friendship art
books Edition, Ygartua P.170, Vancouver, canada. 1991 Exhibition ’92, tokyo, Japan. 1992 Sinclair centre, one-Man
International art Guide, 13th Edition, P. 490, Sermadiras Show, Vancouver, canada. 1992 a Year of celebration, one-
thE racES 1985 rEVErSE on PLEXIGLaS 122X122 cM | 48X48 In
PrIVatE coLLEctIon