Page 48 - Leon Oks : Dreamscape
P. 48





               Leon Oks invites us into                                  The female figure is a favorite

               an imaginary world in                                      theme for Oks.

               his fanciful paintings.                                    Full hipped and sensuous, his

               His subtle palette of                                      women are vessels of creative

               umbers, burgundies                                         power. These paintings contain

               and gold evoke a warm,                                     many elements of nature,

               earthy, and romantic                                       symbolizing themes of creativity

               mood in the bittersweet                                    and opposing forces. Oks

               compositions inspired by                                   exhibits technical excellence

               memories of his Russian-                                   and rare talent, revealing an

               Ukrainian homeland. Oks’                                   understanding and ability based

               imagination transforms                                     on strong academic training and

               trees into female forms;                                   the development of a unique

               even many of the houses                                    personal style.

               in his landscapes have                                     leon Oks’ works communicate

               rounded shapes, creating                                   primarily on an emotional level,

               a soothing mood and                                        but his paintings can not be

               flowing rhythms.                                           strictly categorized.

                                                                                                Francesca Mare irion

               ToWn of silence                   2003 oil on canvas   75x60 cM. /30x24 in.
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