Page 19 - Leon Oks : Dreamscape
P. 19

Masters of today

               compositions which are landscape oriented is              “We are gifted by God and I feel compelled
               the series “My Childhood Town”, stemming                  to  make  art  which  will  help  viewers  and
               from  the  cherished  memories  of  his  old              students understand and appreciate real art

               country.  In  this  collection  of  paintings  of         and in the process understand that art is a
               his homeland, Leon Oks revealed more than                 powerful catalyst as international language
               ever  the  child-like  spirit  which  sometimes           that can have a positive influence in globe.”
               surfaces  in  his  artwork.  Oks  continued               As  the  Great  Russian  writer  Dostoevsky

               to  paint  landscapes  of  his  new  country              says: “Beauty will save the world”.
               including also, “Autumn in Massachusetts”
               (2002), “Morning Dance” (2002) “Sunlight”,                Oks is also a particularly dedicated teacher.
               “Evening  Romance”  (2000),  “Harmony  of                 He  emphasizes  the  basic  principles  of

               Nature”  (2000),  “Sound  of  Bells”  (2001)              drawing  and  painting  to  better  enable
               which  represent  compositions  that  seduce              students to have the confidence to develop
               the viewer into canvas.                                   their own style. He guides students toward

               Leon Oks has a great respect for the power                their     unique      philosophical       approach
               of color. He is also passionate about working             and,  at  the  same  time,  the  articulation  of
               with  live  models.  “It  is  a  great  learning          their  individual  feelings,  approach  and
               experience to see, feel and understand real               imagination. As an artist / teacher, he cares

               life”. He also brings his personal emotions               about cultivating the identity of his students
               to all of his work and he invites the viewer to           and further their artistry, in a quest for their
               learn more about existence through his art.               personal style.

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