Page 236 - Museum
P. 236


        Lives and works in Humlebæk, Denmark

       To be an artist is for me about radical aliveness and awareness and a   of life with a strong communion of experiences of significance. I think that
       willingness to devote myself to open experience and to communicate   contemporary art is a very strong multidimensional voice of life - of beauty
       experiences of significance with honesty, passion and courage, but also   and freedom as a creative and sacral possibility of every event and action
       with sensitivity, intuition and imagination. Art is maybe the media that   we are part of. In this understanding art is to communicate of life -and being
       more than anything takes serious that the physical and the spiritual are   an artist is about being very aware of life as unique and universal. Everything
       intertwined as the living space where body, heart and mind from every   we do from the a secret thought to every little action become vibrational
       dimension of life meet as vibrational patterns - totally real and alive. Created   patterns of lived realities… eternally intertwining choice and chance  as the
       in the intertwining of lived body, lived space, lived time and lived meaning   eternal dance of lived life.
       as a dynamic and creative poetics of the living NOW. It is an eternal poetics     BECOMIN GLIGHT, 2015 ACRYLIC ON BOARD, 31,5X23.5 IN. | 80X60 CM.   
                                                                    MEDITATION ON RED, 2014 ACRYLIC ON BOARD, 47X35.5 IN. | 120X90 CM.

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