Page 113 - Museum
P. 113
variables. With time, Salicath has developed its own creative linguistic, thus to remain in art history. A sculptural art, that proposed here by the artist.
creating its own language. The emotion it binds so, to reason. From this An art capable of triggering in the viewer, that process of deep reflection
union was born a new visual alphabet able to overcome these mental and that leads him to investigate the figures represented. Figures that become
physical imbalances to go to occupy that space in which the works reach the bearers of profound mysteries. The great harmony representative, given by
right expressive balance. In the cycle about Mythology, we are faced with a structure characterized by balance between full and empty, makes each
a genuine visual romanticism. That romanticism that starts from the soul’s sculpture an “unicum”. Something never seen before. Salicath stands as a
artist and goes directly to the heart of people. A romance that does not reside true leader of the sculpture in the world. Its ”visual arguments” make the
in any branch of thought, but in the genius of Karen Salicath Jamali’s mind. narrated to considerable critical interest. A criticism that can only be very
In this cycle, the artist speaks to us of the myth of ”Leda and the Swan”, of positive in the face of these huge masterpieces.
the siren, the Pandora’s box. These are extraordinary compositions, able Dott. Salvatore Russo, art critic and curator, Rome