Page 121 - The 60.Venice Biennial & MoMA issue of WOA Contemporary Art magazine
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Luana Stebule, an artist who has gained global recognition since her   Alighieri International Prize”. In 2022, she received the ATIM’S Top 60
         participation in the Art Expo New York in 2018, has received numerous   Masters Award in New York and the ATIM’S Collectors Choice Award
         accolades for her work. She was included in the International Art Market   in July. Her works were selected and published in the Art Anthology V.
         Magazine’s Gold List as one of the Top Artists of Today in 2019 and   Madrid Edition and for the book “La Biennale di Venezia 2022”. Stebule’s
         received the 3rd International Leonardo Da Vinci Prize in Florence and   artistic journey is marked by her relentless pursuit of artistic expression,
         the New York City Prize in 2020. In 2021, she was awarded the “Dante   profound and impactful art, and a celebration of creativity and innovation.

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