Page 67 - Masters
P. 67

 atLaNtIs
                                                     aNamOrPHOsIs, 2000
        present state, being enclosed in a mirror. Anamorphosis,             or rather, the visual rays branching out of it – is located in
        a  representation  in  perspective  forgotten  several  times   ETCHINg AND CHROME PLATTED   the space it creates and defines, also staying aware of the
        over,  then  used  again  and  again,  is  a  somewhat  naïve   BRASS PYRAMID 16x15x5½ IN. /   modifications its movement brings about in the meaning
        and  mystic  wilding  –  to  achieve  ab  ovo  impossibilities   41,3x39,7x14 CM.   of the image. whilst engaged in this in the physical space,
        with its oblique visual angles, the solution to the original         he involuntarily perceives the reception upon himself, or if
        mirror situation – at least under theoretical, or if you like,       you like, observes the psychological mechanism of ‘artistic
        laboratory conditions. The viewer of anamorphosis not only           pleasure’ in the spiritual space generated by anamorphosis.
        completes the work – to quote Duchamp’s notorious saying             One  who  comes  into  contact  with  anamorphoses  will
        – he also completes himself to be identified as viewer. while        feel more self-contained, yet also more vulnerable: upon
        looking for the appropriate viewpoint and recognising the            recognising the exchange of roles and place, one has to
        image distorted so that it once again becomes meaningful,            realise he is no longer at the centre of the world. On the one
        he also defines his own spatial co-ordinates. The viewer of          hand, he will feel the wonder of the creation of an image;
        anamorphosis does not focus on the image projected onto              on the other, he will know he has been left alone with this
        his retina, but rather the correlations between the work and         illusion that does not even exist in reality, but is rather a
        himself. He has to concentrate on where the work of art –            projection appearing only in his own mind.

                                                                 masters of today
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