Page 262 - Masters
P. 262

                 dAVId NEWMAN

        As  we  go  through  the  house,  there  is  not  a  single  room  without   In  the  complex  group  of  images  of  woman  as  perceived  by  David,
        a  feminine  presence  on  the  walls.    From  the  early  years  to  the   one never senses, as for Picasso, that woman is either unbalanced,
        abstract period, woman has been a constant source of inspiration.   psychologically disturbed, or shocked at her own baffled persona. The
        Although the approach varies, whether he chooses to do portraits,   dislocation of features easily leads one to wonder why distortion is so
        nudes, compositions with figures, the couple, the mother and child,   often the outcome.  As a woman, I ask “why, Maestro, did you see such
        one characteristic prevails: they are seriously beautiful, composed,   ugliness in us?” Of course, the exception is those magnificent sensual
        sometimes regal, and always intelligent.                 curves so harmoniously suggestive of the Marie-Therese period.

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