Page 190 - Masters
P. 190
master master
Lives and works in Edo. De Mexico. Mexico
“My paintings are expressions of my own personal feelings and thoughts. USA, as the Art Institute of Chicago and the Metropolitan Art Museum of
They are intellectual and emotional reflections of my life. The act of painting, New York and Academia de San Carlos, with teachers as the Argentinean
creating incomplete, imperfect or perfect forms, dripping pigments and artist Laura Murlender. Also, Blanca has attended contests all around
getting physically involved inside my artwork is what really motivates me. the world and made more than 60 group exhibitions from New York to
The textures, transparencies, drippings or impastos and changes I use, are Australia and 13 individual ones in Mexico, United States and Europe.
expressing events in my life and mind, as happiness, sadness, tensions, Blanca´s work and interviews have appeared in different newspapers and
tenderness, sex or tears. Constant changes are always present in my magazines in Mexico and New York. Her work is permanently in exhibition
artwork as well as in my life.” Blanca Ruth is an expressionist and abstract at galeria vallarta, Puerto vallarta, Mexico. Agora gallery Soho-Chelsea
expressionist fine artist and graphic designer. She has professional Art and Montserrat gallery Chelsea in New York are her representatives in the
studies from Universidad de las Americas, Instituto de Arte Bribiesca and USA. Also, she is an Art Appreciation and Creativity teacher for enterprises
CETEC, and counts with an MBA and Ph.D. in Business Administration from and educational institutions. She is an instructor of the Metropolitan
Oxford, England. She has attended courses and workshops in Mexico and Museum of New York Art Education courses.
COmING OUt FrOm DarKNess, MIxED MEDIA ON CANvAS 40x40 IN. /100x100 CM.
rUst sCars, MIxED MEDIA ON CANvAS 31.2x24 IN. /81x 61 CM sCars, ACRYLIC, ENAMEL AND FABRIC wITH TExTURES ON CANvAS 24x35 IN. /61x 88 CM.
masters of today