Page 162 - Masters
P. 162


                     RITA dA COSTA

                     Lives and works in Sintra, Portugal

        SEARCH THE ARTIST ONLINE             

                                                                                 The current series was completed in recent years.
                                                                                 The gestural brushwork is employed to shape the
                                                                                 form,  in  portraits,  landscapes  and  other  objects.
                                                                                 Brushwork  decomposes  what  has  been  formed
                                                                                 before, just like memory changes our past, using a
                                                                                 personal pattern of remembrance. Just like water
                                                                                 changes the image of the object reflected in it, the
                                                                                 memory  reflection  can  provide  abstraction  and
                                                                                 pictorial  gestures.  The  passing  of  time  is  visually
                                                                                 reflected,  and  the  elementary  colors  appear  in  a
                                                                                 wider brushstroke.
                                                                                 To  point  out  the  meaning  of  a  gesture  means  to
                                                                                 isolate it. The brushstroke becomes unique, and it
                                                                                 defines the painting. In the works of 2003, where the
                                                                                 gesture moved in differently, the wide brushstrokes
                                                                                 are formed by the gesture or act of color, and are not
                                                                                 accidental, but rather meditative acts. Using color
                                                                                 becomes an action in itself, which does not need any
                                                                                 additional explanations that would rationalize it. It is
                                                                                 important to recognize the meaning of the gesture,
                                                                                 as  a  statement  against  emptiness.  Something
                                                                                 theatrical  and  musical  occurs  when  the  colors  of
                                                                                 the  elements  become  noticeable.  2004  marked  a
                                                                                 change,  as  the  gestures  in  single  colors  became
                                                                                 transparent, and increased the depth of the artwork.
                                                                                 The rhythm and the voice of the gesture conciliated
                                                                                 themselves to create harmony.
                                                                                 The  clay  sculptures  have  no  name  as  of  yet.  The
                                                                                 improvisation of the action, the gesture of modeling
                                                                                 equal  improvisation  lead  to  abstraction,  and  the
                                                                                 “Body x” is always growing, organically, like a body,
                                                                                 like a city or like art is evolving. The improvisation
                                                                                 of the gesture, of the action, and the act of shaping
                                                                                 is the same, but the results are radically different,
                                                                                 and so “Body x’ is a part of a bigger body, evolving
                                                                                 endlessly. The series started in 2001 and it moved in
                                                                                 2003 towards drawings and smaller size sculptures,
                                                                                 and  subsequently  in  glazed  tiled  panels  and  in
                                                                                 2005 in 3D.
                                                                                 Since 2003, the works on paper incorporate gestures
                                                                                 far from the painterly surface, where the paint draws
                                                                                 in  ramifications  at  cellular  level,  which  reminisce
                                                                                 the 2000 works. Somehow here the development
                                                                                 of  the  forms  and  happenings  are  equivalent  to
                                                                                 body  and  blood,  parts  that  connect  themselves
                                                                                 with each others like an infinite puzzle, in a system
        CUt OUt GestUre 1 (1998), 2004 /05 OIL ON CANvAS 29,5x55,5x0,3 IN. /76x142x1 CM.   
                                                                                 that connects with others in perpetual growth and
         UNtItLeD, 1999 ACRYLIC ON PAPER 11,5x16,5 IN. /29x42 CM.               multiplication.
                                                                 masters of today
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