Page 126 - Masters
P. 126


                     MEIR SALOMON

                     Lives and works in Tel-Aviv, Israel and Amstelveen, Holland


        The artist Meir Salomon has been living and creating in the Netherlands for   “combination between the static balance and the dynamic equilibrium”.
        the past 35 years. Salomon studied art in the Rietveld Academie Amsterdam   Mondrian’s quest for the formation of a pure reality resulted in his use of
        and it seems that the Netherlands has a profound influence on his work – his   basic geometrical forms and primary colors. Salomon creates the contrast
        occupation with flowers, flowering and the reoccurring window motif. Yet,   Mondrian called for, fields of color created by vertical and horizontal lines on
        each and every one of his works has a powerful Jewish presence; Jewish   the one hand, and a clear poetic painting with an inscriptive, and at times
        motifs appear over and over again – the prayer book, the “Star of David”,   even sentimental character, on the other hand. The correlation between the
        varied ritual objects and biblical citations. It seems that Salomon’s entire   geometrical abstract and the figurative is defined and clear. In the majority
        work brings together both ends (east and west, modernism and tradition,   of the paintings we find a division to three planes, separated by satin, like a
        abstract and figurative, color and line). Following two years in Avni Institute   modern version of a “triptych”, generally associated to ritual work of art. Is
        Tel  Aviv,  Salomon  left,  as  mentioned,  in  order  to  study  at  the  Rietveld   this an intimation of a new, different piety? These very same satin fabrics
        Academie  of  Art  in  Amsterdam,  where  he  studied  in  the  painting  and   function as interveners, for it seems that Salomon does not wish to create
        graphic art. The graphic aspect is extremely dominant in his works and it is   an illusion of existence, but rather, on the contrary, he positions the colored
        evident that he is highly sensitive to both color and line. Salomon is without   interveners as theatre curtains, asking to remind us that what we see is a
        a doubt, consciously or not, influenced by the Dutch De Stijl movement.   mere illusion, a seeming reality and nothing more. It seems that in his unique
        In nearly all of his works, there is a clear division of horizontal and vertical   connections, Salomon deals with all the existential questions concerning us
        lines; the same division which was highly emphasized by the members of   all, wishing to take the viewer on a journey to the depths of his soul.
        the De Stijl movement. For the members of this movement, the belief in   The  water  and  fire  works,  and  especially  the  use  of  water  and  earth
        this division originates in eastern mystique and western theosophy; the   colors, are evidently associated to kabbalah. The manifold use of the circle
        vertical lines are the active element and the horizontal ones, the passive   shape, as much as the sensation that the works engage in construction
        elements; as both are visual equivalents for the basic facts of life. The   and destruction - and create something new out of the void - all these are
        manifesto of the movement’s leading figure, Piet Mondrian, called for a   associated with obvious existential issues.
                                                                         COmPOsItION 138, 1998 OIL ON CANvAS 27½x54½ IN. / 70x138 CM.    

         rODODeNDrON, 1994 OIL ON CANvAS 40x60IN. / 100x150 CM.        WINDmOLeN, 2006 wATER AND FIRE ON PAPER 16½x12 IN. / 42x30 CM.   
                                                                                   aNGeL, 2005 OIL ON CANvAS 31½x45 IN. /  80x114    

                                                                         sea-saND, 2006 wATER AND FIRE ON PAPER 16½x12 IN. / 42x30 CM.    

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