Page 83 - I Love Art : 64 Contemporary Artists
P. 83

         water droP GiFt FroM heaVen nr 8, 1999 DISTORSED CITY bY KEIGO YAMAMOTO & EIKO ITO. LINKED PICTURES
         water droP GiFt FroM heaVen nr 10, 1999 REGENERATIvE wATER bY KEIGO YAMAMOTO &EIKO ITO. LINKED PICTURES

       One good example is “Rock garden at Ryoanji or  from this garden how to utilize “natural energies”
       Ryoa  Temple”. Elements of this garden include  for activating “Urban Energies”. The landscape
       natural rocks arranged in as natural-looking a state  changes with the weather each day, and needless
       as possible in the midst of white sand representing  to say, with the season. Just imagine the garden
       flowing water. This style of garden is called  on a fine day, say, after a shower, or in the snow.
       “karesansui” or dry landscape, and it features  The changes in the borrowed view produce more
       an abstract symbolism of nature. The concept of  varieties in the landscape. As a result, it evokes
       ”karesansui”is linked to a view of universe. The  the thoughts and feelings of  the  universe with
       Chinese character      or “dry” represents something  its immense dimensions.  we realize that “rural
       abstract and intangible, and      or “mountains and  energies’’ inherent in the garden interact with
       water” symbolizes the flow of spiritual energies.  “urban energies’’, and result in perfect harmony.
       Furthermore, Ryoanji Rock garden provides us with  I believe this ideology will be essential when we
       a good example for “shakkei” or view-borrowed  think of the culture we create in the 21st century.
       landscape, in which the background elements such  In view of these matters, I gave this work of mine
       as mountains are incorporated into the garden’s  the title of “Urban Energies and Rural Energies”.
       composition. The scenery of East Mountains with  A  single  piece  of  work  can  hardly  explain  this
       thirty-six peaks ranging east of kyoto, is utilized  concept, so I decided to present a series of works
       as a borrowed view in this garden. we can learn  in line with this theme.
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