Page 74 - I Love Art : 64 Contemporary Artists
P. 74

Erwin Wuk

       Lives and works in vienna, Austria

      My artwork relies on the realm of vision and is a  divine light. The light of being and awareness. This
      homage to the eternal, supernatural presence. My  timeless, vibrant light emantes from the source
      inspiration is creation and it`s manifestations and  - THE OnE - which is beyond all experiences and
      unlimited potential. My style doesn`t focus on what  appearences, the indescribably infinite.
      is seen literally but to what is felt on a deeper level  True art must go beyond the visible. A revelation of
      and show in a very intensive way my adoration of the  undiscovered harmony, beauty and unity.

                          the PhoeniX, 2013 ACRYLIC AND MIxED MEDIA ON CANvAS 56x35.5 IN. | 143x91 CM. 

                         lUMinoUS Field, 2011 ACRYLIC AND MIxED MEDIA ON CANvAS 35.5x46 IN. | 91x117 CM.

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