Page 10 - I Love Art : 64 Contemporary Artists
P. 10

conscience and to void it. In fact, it is only within empty spaces
            that energy is able to unleash its own creative force. Consequently,
            by asking how to develop this energy in the face of the complexity

            of the world, questioning the need for free mental space, man is
            experiencing a journey where reality and the virtual go hand in hand:
            two dimensions which are no longer disjoined, in that the virtual is
            nothing other than an “as-if” reality.

            Now, the contents aspect of any work of art lie in the presupposition
            that the artist is in fact able to explain the most concealed of man’s
            movements and desires. Once this clarity has been acquired, the

            artist can purposefully use the talent he has been given. His raw
            material will always be the conscious awareness of his own energy,
            his mental resources. His aim will therefore be to develop forms where
            his energy can be liberated and from which, at the same time, he will
            receive new energy. In fact, the artist is nothing other than someone

            who gives form to something. He shapes new images for values and
            then speaks of form once again. His is a continuous process as he is
            constantly interrogating himself on what is really important in his life.

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