Page 44 - VICTOR HAGEA : Amazing
P. 44
brushing the painting surface in worship and pure The most pregnant meaning resists any flaying. And
amazement at the painter’s skill. We may call this, this is so, because the same eternal aporia seems to
the moment of paradoxality of painting. The paradox hunt the human condition: the play of memory. Man
derives from this impossible association between that, is under the power of dices, no matter where the
which is impermanent, and that which is made now metro ticket might take him, no matter how glorious
permanent. Durably contained in matter, almost his hand-made creation is, as long as the shadow
solidified like a gem, the forgotten things seem as if casts even upon the most exquisite deep-blue vase.
inscribed in immanence, as well as in eternity. At the This is inexorably the sign of transience, and the
same time, the piece of paper, fragile in its appearance, reflection of our mortal condition, namely, to forget
faded out by time, points out dramatically to the thin and to constantly remember things. Here, Hagea
layer of matter which is the sole reality of the thing, meets Magritte’s La condition humaine, a vision of
behind which there is nothing. No hidden meaning, impermanence of the world, a mere epidermic and
no architext, or palimpsest, is expected to be revealed. fragile surface.
Nicoletta Isar
14th September 2008
44 lA nUit 1987 deSSin à lA PlUme 12x17 in. /31x44 cm. tHe nigHt 1987 Pen drAWing 12x17 in. /31x44 cm.
die nAcHt 1987 federzeicHnUng 12x17 in. /31x44 cm.
noAPteA 1987 deSen in PenitA 12x17 in. /31x44 cm.