Page 14 - VICTOR HAGEA : Amazing
P. 14

As for perfection and grace, such attributes seem to       Rilke, the “wholeness” of the inanimate object comes

             remain apparently exclusive for the über-marionette         from the absence of consciousness, which is the source
             and the doll. This is so because they perfectly seem to     of passions and torment. Therefore, the puppet or the

             imitate the innocence state of man in Paradise, now         doll could be called perfect, man is imperfect. But

             lost. This idea one could find at Rilke, Klee, Craig,       among perfect things, the doll was credited by Rilke

             and many other artists or thinkers. The point is that       with a quality more special, more absolute than that

             the fall brought man consciousness, which became            of other things, even the marionette. The marionette
             the source of passions. Man is halfway between the          is  nothing  but  fantasy,  but  the  doll  has  none,  and

             unconscious puppet and an infinite knowing divinity;        therefore so much “less than a thing.” The doll is a

             he is neither a “Gliedermann” nor “Gott.” (Rilke) By       “Being-less-than-a-thing,”  and  it  is  this  truth  in  its
             contrast, the un-aware puppet is graceful because it        irrevocability that makes the secret of her absolute

             reminds of a golden age, the original paradisiac state      superiority.  (Rainer  Maria  Rilke,  Sämtliche  Werke,

             of man.                                                    Band VI, Frankfurt, 1966, p. 1069)

             ROMANCE                                                    All this makes a great contrast to the romantic couple

                                                                         in  the  foreground.  The  passionless  gaze  and  the

             Victor Hagea’s Romance brings close to the eye that         impassible body of the puppet run in opposition to

             sacrosanct graceful presence of the unaware doll. Both      the tender feeling and passionate relation in which the
             sublime and dominant in her appearance, she holds,          couple is engaged. They look like the proto couple of

             as it were, the dice of fate, the cards, or, as Rilke might   Adam and Eve before their adventure in Paradise. The

             say, holding the keys back to Paradise. Apparently, a       amniotic liquid seems to point out to some primordial

             puppet is a thing, soulless matter. But for some artists,   waters, before creation, as water is the arché, according
             obviously for Hagea too, it was a special “thing.” It       to  Thales,  the  first  element  of  creation.  But  the

             has a special significance. Its close resemblance and       threatening appearance of water points out also to the

             dissimilarity with the human is disconcerting. It places    deluge, or to some lethal drama, which relates also to

             the puppet in between realms. It introduces a paradox.      the unconscious, which governs psychologically man’s
             The puppet is paradoxical. It could be “less-than-a-        relationship  with  woman.    There  is  an  archetypal

             thing,”  says  Rilke.  On  some  occasions,  “it”  could    connection between water and its generative powers

             be more than a human: she/he could hold a super-            and woman, in which in a mysterious way creation

             body. But it always seems to hide a secret. Perhaps,        and death are intertwined.
             the  secret  of  our  origins:  the  human-paignion,  the

             companion of gods praised by Plato. Specifically for       Nicoletta Isar

                                                                         Copenhagen October 2008
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