Page 70 - Genius
P. 70

elena del Fabbro

                     lives and works in Udine, Italy

        SEARCH THE ARTIST ONLINE          
        I tend to fish from my unfinished projects, drew by chance during my   going on, I have moved from an attention towards people - to what
        past years, so that I can then give dignity to what looks abandoned   you can actually guess about their own story - to an attention towards
        and neglected. To create the mixture, I use the pc, as it enables me   their relationships. I am obsessed by relations and bonds, not a very
        to use supports, techniques and concepts which are not necessarily   deep level, I am attracted by what you see, what you can externally
        homogenous - so often they all come from something so different from   observe. I am interested in the need and suffering and in the dignity
        their arrival point. It is the same for what I use for the more traditional   and strength where you would less expect them. I often trace com-
        works; they were often born for other purposes, which have now lost   passion, extreme strengthens and courage. I just point out that I am
        their usefulness.                                        talking about need of a personality to be complete, full and to the need
                                                                 for spirituality proximity; I am not talking about the need for food or
                                                                 clothes, I am interested in the social sphere. On the end I look for so
                                                                 long that I feel I am wearing out all this. I look till the stillness that my
                                                                 stupor gives me does not become “being aware of so much beauty.”
                                                                 Everything that I am doing answers my very own need to have certain
                                                                 characters nearby, and that is their only way to stay close.
                                                                 lately, I have started to get fascinated by the environment that contains
                                                                 all these relationships. I am still curious and fascinated by mothers as
                                                                 well, I tend to represent them everywhere. I have created characters
                                                                 that they are what and who they are due to their mothers. I believe we
                                                                 are what and who we are due to their intervention; I find this relation-
                                                                 ship extremely fascinating. The fulcrum is the relationships, the bonds
                                                                 and concatenations that strike my imagination; it is their tangle that
                                                                 becomes representation of positions in space.

                                                                    sanD, 2011 PENS, MArkErS AND PENCIlS ON PAPEr, 20x12 IN./50 x 30 CM.
                                                                 moon, 2010 ElAbOrATED DIgITAl COllAgE (DrAWINgS/PHOTO) PrINTED ON MATTE
                                                                 PHOTOgrAPHIC PAPEr ATTACHED ON PlASTIC bOArD 31x31,5x0,2 IN. /80x80x0.5 CM.   
                                                                    my sWeety, 2009 FAbrIC SCUlPTUrES HEIgHT AbOUT 31,5 IN. /80 CM.

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