Page 64 - Genius
P. 64

Maria eugenia akel

                     lives and works in Santiago de Chile, Chile

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                                                                 The first time that I saw Maria Eugenia Akel’s Art Work at the 7th
                                                                 edition of the  biennial of Contemporary Art in Florence, it took
                                                                 me backwards  in time through the unmanageable germany of the
                                                                 early 20’s, where John Hearfield, raoul Hausmann and Hannah Höch
                                                                 worked  together on the first sample of the Dadaist Collective on
                                                                 1920. The interests of the little group of artists were to prove that
                                                                 Art could be a dummy game.  -Die kunst ist tot- or that the image
                                                                 that shows each of their moves transforms itself in a ideological
                                                                 monster of multiple possibilities.
                                                                 The fact that Maria Eugenia Akel  relates with images of different
                                                                 contexts, like did the group mention above, it make me know
                                                                 that  the real value of her work is not settled in a contemplative
                                                                 manifestation,  but  it  projects  a  live  matter  that  is  capable  to
                                                                 transcend its iconic nature and overflow a continuous  of improvised
                                                                 realities that Maria Eugenia Akel captures of the same form that
                                                                 she develops a precise exercise motivated from its capacity of
                                                                 represent, to show superfluous and extract its own nature, which
                                                                 Heidegger calls “the World and life”.
                                                                 Promotes in Maria Eugenia Akel the possibility of transcend her
                                                                 own way of life and extend it to a plain reality facing a relativity-
                                                                 morphed society usually dominated by a unique contextual reality.
                                                                 In contemporary artists like Sophie Calle, Cheril Donegal, Pipilotti
                                                                 rist, or Tracy Emin this contextual reality transforms itself in an
                                                                 aesthetic vehicle that combines in transcendent aspects extracted
                                                                 from the daily things, eluding the high culture lineal establishment
                                                                 through the deconstruction of the thoughts and the capacity of
                                                                 divide reality in different layers, like raoul Hausmman demands.
                                                                 I am convinced that the motivations of Maria Eugenia Akel awake in
                                                                 the spectator transcend its iconographic length and its perceptive
                                                                 capacity taking him to face his own memory, like did Candida Höfer
                                                                 and Jeff Wall in the 80’s.
                                                                 Akel provides a vision of the positional reality, where the importance
                                                                 of the image shows its disconcerting side that depends on harmony
                                                                 between hideous and imperceptible: worn posters, ruined buildings,
                                                                 smoking men, always in a position and a perception of reality
                                                                 that collides with the aesthetic indications that Nelson goodman
                                                                 talked about, about all that goes beyond contemplative in front an
                                                                 uncertain corps: Time.
          VaLDiVia FisHermen, 2010 MIxED MEDIA OvEr DIgITAl PrINT ON CANvAS   "The Quiromantic Tranquility of the Empty Spaces (A reflection
                                                                    about the image and representational quality of Maria Eugenia
        40x55 IN. /100x140 CM.
                                                                                                       Akel’s Art Work)" by
          VaLparaíso VaLDiVia, 2010 MIxED MEDIA OvEr DIgITAl PrINT ON CANvAS
                                                                     Juan Carlos Martínez Manzano, Art Critic, Málaga Foundation
        40x55 IN. /100x140 CM.
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