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                     Lives and works in South West Florida, USA
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        Jansens is a Gulf War Veteran and contributes much of his success  to his   Some of Jansens noted exhibits are : Chares H. Wright Museum Detroit, Stricoff
        faith, drive and experience before and during the conflict, as well as many   Fine Arts ltd. Chelsea New York, Robert Rauschenberg Gallery Fort Myers
        supporters very early on. Jansen often reflects back to those times since his   Florida, Gallery Schoenen in Aachen Germany, Madison Square Garden New
        tour of duty in the first Gulf War and feels that the way he views the world has   York, Oprah Winfrey’s COLOR Show in Chicago, American Art Gallery France as
        much to do with his experience that gave him a hightend sence of awareness   well as Lagerquist Gallery in Atlanta. Jansen is also the  Ford Motor Company
        of his daily surroundings. Collectors of Jansens work by now range from   Centennial artist. Commissioned by Ford in Detroit to create four paintings in
        Europe, Asia to the United States from young people to seniors. Appealing   reflection of the company’s history with emphasis on the minority workers
        to a mass audience Jansen appears to have bridged the gap between his   who worked for the company and helped build Ford at their 100th birthday
        audience and is able to communicate with out limitation. A rare cross of   celebration in June 2003. Jansen has appeared on Fox 2 News, NBC News
        European Expressionism and modern Urban Culture. What he calls modern   Detroit, NBC,ABC and CBS. His work is in prestigious private and corporate
        “Urban-Expressionism”.                                   collections around the world.

                   MONEY MEDIA, 2005 MIXED MEDIA ON LINEN 122X92 CM. / 48X36 IN.
                 LAMP IN ROOM, 2004 MIXED MEDIA ON LINEN 76X100 CM. /30X40 IN.       

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