Page 146 - Famous
P. 146

  KOPSTUK 3, ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 32 X 40 IN. /80 X 100 CM.

        try to describe what happened to me, a Brabantian Dutchmen, when,   not worth expressing. But those same moments of dreadfulness did
        speechless in countless ancient and modern languages, I was con-  become - after some days - the first words in a chain of associations
        fronted with the first painting to which the Bosnian Dutchman Mirzo   which did merit reconstruction. `Oriental`, I had said, and `exotic`,
        Bajramovic introduced me. A work from his hands. Which was `com-  expressions I most seldom and reluctantly use. I’m afraid I even
        municating itself ` to me, very eloquently, and in immaculate Dutch,   dished up some shameful generalities connected with the `Thousand
        let me add. But alas, I did not come up with a reply. Not one word of   and One Nights`. In any case: I thought the painting `SPLENDID` and,
        Bosnian or Dutch occurred to me. Or rather: much too much occurred   moreover, `GRAND` - and said so. Justifiedly so. Infinitely meaningful
        to me simultaneously, except for anything verbal, a single word in one   yet meaningless words. It was a large painting studded with un-Dutch
        of my innate or acquired mother or father tongues. But - let me repeat   carbuncle-sized stars, which are as much beyond us, Occidentals, as
        it - the painting with its extraordinarily refined enunciation was not   that `Starry Night` painted by Van Gogh under a Mediterranean sky.
        to blame. No, I was offside and                                                       But I did not think of Vincent but
        tongue-tied. Countless associa-                                                       of one of those medieval manu-
        tions appeared on the tv-screen                                                       scripts, scalloped with planets
        of  my consciousness, but none                                                        and stars, which open up seventh
        was subtitled  decently  enough                                                       heaven to us. Once I had got that
        in any language or dialec t to                                                        far -  close enough to the Van
        come out of my mouth decently-                                                        Eyck brothers, the Duc de Berry
        framed. The articulate painting                                                       and that first Turkish luxury edi-
        had silenced me, so who can                                                           tion of the Koran in the British
        picture my distraction and under-                                                     Museum - I finally started to feel
        stand that my silence had to do                                                       comfortable in the language of
        with overawe? And with a desper-                                                      Bajramovic and his `magnum
        ate attempt to express approval                                                       opus`, entitled, no doubt, like so
        and admiration. Who can picture                                                       much modern art: `u.t.`, `unti-
        my bewilderment and explain to                                                        tled` or `namelessly beautiful`.
        the artist that it was the inimitable                                                 Only, just then the painting was
        quality of his painting which was                                                     getting (entitled  to)  a  name. I
        reflected by my silence (which he                                                     loved it and was thinking of the
        did not imitate)?                                                                     Dutch poetess Neeltje Maria Min
        In my position I should at least                                                      and her `for the one who loves
        be able to speak up when a work                                                       me I will be named`. Suddenly
        of art or an artist reduces me to                                                     the work would be named `The
        quiet  admiration.  And  why.  Now                                                    Adoration of the Shepherds`,
        may I tr y to picture all those                                                       and one of those stars stood
        things which did not - but almost                                                     still so on reflec tion I called
        did - (instantly) occur to me on the                                                  the painting `Sainte Chapelle`.
        right moment? Well, I retrace the                                                     Causing some uncertainties of
        steps of my esprit de l’escalier,                                                     nomenclature. The shepherds
        as I mount the stairs connecting                                                      emancipated, becoming kings,
        the basement and top floor of my                                                      magicians, astrologers, and, for
        silence. What did initially occur                                                     a change, the painting was now
        to me was too trivial to be true,                                                     named `Twelfth Night` or `The
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