Page 102 - Famous
P. 102


                     Lives and works in Paris, France
                                                        w w

        Volodia Popov is the artist for whom does not exist any stylistic border.   Great  Russian Picturesque  tradition by  origin,  he can suddenly  set  off
        The horizons of his creativity are opened widely to meet the seven winds.   across the Khvolynkoye sea towards the fragrant southern countries for
        At any time filled with salty energy sails can transfer the clipper of his   a Persian princess, and then, unexpectedly having thrown her out a board
        inexhaustible imagination to unfamiliar mysterious coast of new terra   over, he can be carried away with the ships of Pomorians to plough the
        incognita. It is newer known, which from uncountable world oceans is   boundless spaces of the Great Picturesque Ocean, which is washing the
        ploughed across by his mysterious flying ship. From the fertile soil of   Earth by a fertile colorful moisture.
                                                                              PLAYING, 2005 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 40X40 IN. /100X100 CM.    
          ARLEQUIN, 2005 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 40X26 IN. /100X65 CM.      PATIENCE, 2006 ACRILYC ON CANVAS 51X35 IN. /130X89 CM.

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