Page 19 - ArtUnlimited
P. 19

   ThE oppoITE poLEs, 1992 CANvAS /PRINT 22.5X31.5 IN. | 65X80 CM.
                                                                 kEIgO YAMAMOTO, HIDETAkA ITO, kwI-HYUN PARk AND OTHERS, COMMUNICATION wORLD
                                                                 `92, HI-vISION NETwORk ART SAPPORO, TOkYO, wAkAYAMA

                                                                 The garden embodies spiritual universe. On the other hand, two poles of
                                                                 light each represent physical views of our earth from a remote planet in
                                                                 outer space. In the above work, the two physical spaces encounter the
                                                                 fundamental and spiritual space. I think that communication today requires
                                                                 high quality with respect to spiritual interaction as well as globalization.

                                                                    ThIs Is NEW Tokyo,1998 CANvAS /PRINT 22.5X31.5 IN. | 65X80 CM.

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