Page 164 - ArtUnlimited
P. 164
Being a romantic, Rien was passoionate about painting in water colors: some years mused upon a new way of abstract expression. Since individua-
portraits and landscapes. A teacher at the Art Academy in Enschede stated lity in art had become accepted world-wide several decades earlier as the
once that Rien’s water colors exhaled the atmosphere of “magic realism”. norm, something had to be done, in his opinion. His opinion was that losing
But around 1980, when a dramatic change in the art world occurred and the possibility of showing thoughts and circumstances in a tangible way
when a re-orientation in contemporary art took place, Rien had already for (understandable for the consumer of modern art) ignoring the preferences
kILogRAMs-MILEs of IT, 1990 gOUACHE 24X31.5 IN. /61X81 CM. (COvERINg NL3) CARkINg CARE, 1982 gOUACHE 27.5X20 IN. /70X50 CM. (‘PRICk’ IN ONE’S OwN SOUL).
EUThANAsIA, 1983 gOUACHE 28.5X20 IN. /73X51 CM.
AUsChWITz, 1987 gOUACHE 28.5X20 IN. /73X51 CM.
AEsCULApIUs: poIsoN, 1983 gOUACHE 28.5X20 IN. /73X51 CM. (SwALLOw IT!)