Page 43 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 43

MOMENt, OIL ON CANvAS 30X40 IN. /76X101 CM.   «          In the midst of the chronic, lingering, never-ending debate about "What
         SuMMER LEAVES, OIL ON CANvAS 30X40 IN. /76X101 CM.    «  is art?" we look at the art of Leon Oks and decide it is art without
         ANtIcIPAtION, OIL ON CANvAS 36X24 IN. /91X60,5 CM.       any controversy or question. His paintings are a beautiful, sensual,
         DREAM, 2004 OIL ON CANvAS 30X24 IN. / 76X60 CM.
                                                                  luscious force of nature that warms the eyes, the heart, and the soul.
         His dreams and visions must haunt him, tearing him emotionally until   Whether it is the picturesque little Ukrainian village, landscape
         they are released upon the canvas, to be exorcised through color. One   with birch trees, sumptuous exaggerated nudes, or bouquets of
         must admire the suffering Leon must endure to achieve the “call” of   elegant organic females clustered together  on the campus, the
         god through the hands of a master artist, and the result is mesmerizing,   composition, the color, the harmonic exuberance of his paintings
         when one stands in front of Leon’s finished work.        touch deep and true. He abstracts the essence of his subjects in
                                                                  a unique, whimsical way and makes it his own.
                                                Paula C Huffman                                     Julie Robins greenberg

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