Page 103 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 103
16,1X11,4 IN. /41,5X29,5 CM.
the heSitation, ACRYLIC ON
PAPER 29,5X21,7 IN. /75X55 CM. «
The subject of my work is essentially
based on the human being, their
everyday life, and their relationship
with others (work, celebrations,
friends, etc).
The group, the unity of the group, its
role, its necessity, the individual's
place in a context that requires
them to belong and adopt a common
profile, the many pretexts for
forming a group, the various kinds
of group, companies, celebrations,
working groups, laughing together,
having fun.
Laughter has its role, as a form of
cry, a necessary safety valve, for
relaxation, its role as a peacemaker,
a unifier, as relief, or to forget.