Page 176 - Art-Addiction
P. 176
1962 born in vevey, switzerland
lives and works in leysin, switzerland
The clashing, and violently contrasted, reflections of the existential and oppressing anxiety seen in
Palmiro Marzaroli’s Indian-ink paintings plunge us into a decidely gothic atmosphere. Mazaroli instantaneously
makes emotions and introspection evident as he amplifies and associates emotionality with physical elements
like landscapes and human figures, which then become metaphors of his inner self. Marzaroli’s paintings are
strictly bi-dimensional. One can find no trace of perspective, only color, in a crude symbolic dimension. The
skies of his landscapes can be violent red, tortured by pain and passion, or they can be yellow, with red and
black slashes. The light that dwells in much of his work does not succeed in forcing its way through the impen-
ding darkness. Occasionally, hues brighten up and primary colors become less elaborated and tormented, and
complimentary colors, like green, become oasis of serenity. At times Marzaroli’s landscapes remind us of the
incandescent magma which gushes forth from volcanoes, a bright yellow melted material that turns to red and
then black as it cools off and solidifies. This Italian-swiss artist prefers a chromatic spectrum for his palette, one
that takes on the meaning of dialogue and reflection. Marzaroli, who communicates through painting with per-
fect mastery, claims that this is the most effective possibility offered to the human being to defeat neurosis and
resume healthy ties with the reality of his environment, surpassing one’s solitude by interacting with others.
(gAeTAnO CrIsTInO)
172 ARTaddiction