Page 28 - ART POOL : 11 Contemporary Art Profiles
P. 28
ELS vAn ASTEn | The neTherlAnds
Els is a painter with a background in graphics. while in her earlier her interest in architecture has inspired her to create diptychs
career she created figurative works in her own style, she now and triptychs with buildings with a surprising perspective.
paints abstract on multiple canvases. They consist 50-100 small Photography is one of her passions. For inspiration, but also
canvases which together convey a striking color pallet and forms because she sees beauty in anything around her. Els also does
which the viewer may interpret as land or seascapes. In addition commission work.
| reFleCTion 1, 2006 phoToGrAphy diFFerenT size AvAilABle By reQUesT
| reFleCTion 2, 2006 phoToGrAphy diFFerenT size AvAilABle By reQUesT
| reFleCTion 3, 2006 phoToGrAphy diFFerenT size AvAilABle By reQUesT
| zwemBAd, 2006 phoToGrAphy diFFerenT size AvAilABle By reQUesT