Page 76 - 36-Artists-To-Follow
P. 76


                                Lives and works in Tromsoe and Oslo, Norway

            The Images Between

            In our culture reality is to a marked degree defined in literary   because I also am nature. And then it can happen that a wild bird
            categories, words, numbers. But that is not the reality.   sits down by me, or a raven comes down and says something.
            Reality is coherent, and also includes that which is between
            the categories. To explore that which is between - with my   To accomplish what I am trying to, I must create ”air” between
            method - is my project. Reality may be comprehended as a   the layers of my paintings, there must be space and breath
            language addressing us. The elements of this language,”the   between them. I have worked many years to develop a
            words” are other than our everyday words, and include also   technique allowing this, to try to create a weightlessnes

            what is between the words, between the categories. What is a   as in the Haiku poem mentioned above, disturbing our set
            tree? The stem, of course, the branches, twigs and leaves, the   categories, opening the gates.
            roots - but what about the life - supporting fungi and microbes
            between the finest roothairs? What about the oxygen close to   I often use oxidized metals to add colour and substance
            the leaves? What about the bird´s nest? What about the bird´s   and to facilitate the layer underneath to shine through. I use
            song early in the morning when the sun rises and the rays   gold, white, red, green gold, silver, brass, copper, aluminium,
            stroke the top of the tree? What about the shadow below?  paladium, platinum. I also use interference colours when
                                                                 suitable. The colours change from red to green etc. when the
            Many of us remember the famous Haiku poem about the flower   observer moves relative to the picture. Interference colours

            falling from a branch of a tree, and suddenly rising again, going   suit the metals very well. Some of these effects are difficult
            upwards. Is it a butterfly? Pulled into the moment between the   to display in immobile digital pictures.
            flower and the butterfly, we suddenly get access to a part of
            reality we did not know before. Look at a landscape. Consider   I have spent a lot of time travelling and learning, being in
          ARTIST  the wealth of significance and content between the named   other settings, in New York, Southwest, The Four Corners,
                                                                 New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Berlin, Japan, China,
            categories. I think of my pictures as gates, entrances to the
            language between. I have experienced that when I manage to   and have sought out expressive, unspoiled Nature, particularly

            be in these gates, a new state of mind arises, a new contact -   in North Norway.
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