Page 389 - 36-Artists-To-Follow
P. 389

In order to understand the specificity of the style of   original technique of work with the paint. Expert analysis
            Bedriska Znojemska we must also emphasize her masterly   shows that the modern symbolism of Bedriska Znojemska
            work with the paints for she has acquired an entirely   is beautiful and majestic in many respects.

               ARRIVAL, OIL ON MIXED MEDIA 19.6X27.5 IN. |  50X70 CM.
               VISIT, OIL ON MIXED MEDIA 27.5X19.6 IN. | 70X50 CM.
                WHEN WORDS FAIL, OIL ON MIXED MEDIA 19.6X14.5 IN. | 50X37 CM.
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