Page 204 - 36-Artists-To-Follow
P. 204


                                Lives and works in Erlangen, Germany

             Born in Gleiwitz /Upper Silesia, in 1929. Since 1945, he   molecular  biologists  etc.  My  nude  drawings  shall  not
             has been living in Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany. On 1948   arouse lust, because free art serves no purpose, but

             beginning of studies in Biology, Chemistry and Geography   concentrates on lines, colour play and per se, it creates
             at the University of Erlangen /Nuremberg. In 1955 doctoral   aesthetic pleasure. The object of my drawings is the ideal
             degree as Dr. phil. nat.. In the following, he worked as a   cum typical  of both sexes in its almost endless variety
             Professor of Biochemistry at the Institute of Biochemistry   and variation in view and movement. The semblance
             at the Medical Faculty of the University of Erlangen-  detached from nature is beauty.

             Nuremberg. After his retirement, he worked as a sculptor,
             painter and graphic artist. He acquired his artistic and   Some of my oil paintings are created in my workshop,
             technical education in various special courses and by   often I use my watercolored drawings as pre-drawings.

             self-education. He made several study trips to Yugoslavia,   Or I peruse my imagination inspired from a landscape
             Greece, Italy, France, Spain and Switzerland. Since 1980.   I really experienced, such as, for example, in "Siena"
             his art work has been shown in a number of solo and   and "Vernazza" shown above. I am like a bird  hovering
             group  exhibitions  of  fine  arts  in  Erlangen,  Nuremberg,   motionlessly over a  location and looking down. I interpret
             Jena, Munich, Leipzig, Bamberg, Homburg,  Karlovac,     characteristic structures and leave it to the viewer to

             Budapest and Florence. In 2005, he was awarded a prize   accompany me on my flight . . . I like to set squares 1 to
             for sculpture at the Biennale Internazionale dell´Arte   1.5 cm sized color fields in various places on my picture
             Contemporanea at Florence, Italy.                   towards the end of my painting process - using a broad

                                                                 brush in one go. Their color is not totally determined by
             The emphasis of my artistic proliferation is nude paintings.   the locality, it rather represents my ambition for balance
          ARTIST  For me, there is no body on earth that is more beautiful   and harmony. This way, a kind of net structure is laid over

                                                                 my original picture  which is determined by the motif and
             and perfect than the nude human  body - despite all
             objections of theologians, philosophers, psychologists,   links parts of it which I otherwise regard as disparate.

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