Page 184 - 36-Artists-To-Follow
P. 184


                                Lives and works in Chicago, Illinois, USA

            When Chie Curley received a picture postcard of Ignacio   All of the paintings carry the inscription "T.Time," for
            Montano's works from the National Museum of Mexican   terrestrial time, emphasizing the artist's conviction that
            Art, she new she had found her man.                  men will one day travel in outer space. "We have been on
            Curley and Barbara Goldsmith curate the exhibits at the Noyes   this earth- this cage-too long", Montano said. "The idea of
            Cultural Art Center in Evanston and were looking for an artist   being free to go to other worlds excites me."

            for the millennium show when the card arrived in the mail.
            "So much of his work looks like computer circuitry," said   WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED?
            Curley. "I'm sure he thinks very much about computers and   Montano grew up in a large family in Mexicali on the baja

            how they will affect our lives in the future."       peninsula. His parents wanted him to be a doctor, and he
            As it turns out, circuitry is just one of the elements sparking   dutifully attended medical school for three semesters, then
            the imagination of the 51-year-old Montano.          dropped out to pursue his long-time interest in art.
            "From the moment I saw Viking spaceship land on Mars   He enrolled at The School of Find Arts at The University of
            in 1976, I've never stopped thinking about life beyond   Guadalajara, but soon left there, too.

            planet earth," said Montano during an interview at the   "I objected to their methods and rigid policies," he explained.
            Noyes Center, where "Prospective/ Retrospective: The   Not only did the drawing teacher insist the students replicate
            Art of Ignacio Montano" runs through Jan.15. Two sizable   the pots and pans-and only the pots and pans-placed before

            sculptures , 22 paintings and three of his drawings, all   the class, the style of art was prescribed. "Mexico is known
            completed between 1976 and the present, are on view.  for its muralists, so they wanted all of us to paint murals,"
            The sculptures, fashioned from materials including   Montano explained. "Why murals? Painting is painting and
            aluminum sheeting, glass, plastic tubing, plastic    murals are just one alternative."
            components, computer ships, mother boards and solar   He withdrew from the University after a few months, but
          ARTIST  panels, resemble shining space ships poised for take-off.   continued to frequent the art school library, educating

            The meticulously detailed paintings and drawings depict   himself in the history of western art from the Greeks to
            colonies in outer space or in distant planets.       the present. He found he was particularly drawn to the

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