Page 157 - 36-Artists-To-Follow
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For her, painting is an energy source, it brings balance, Domenig’s body of work are a tribute to life, love, and
and is a necessity. Domenig’s style is attributed to Neo- nature. Principally, a tribute to all the women in the
Expressionism because of the figuration and the use of world who do great things. At work and in the family.
a strong colour palette. The central theme of her mostly With heart, soul and with energy, tirelessly for their
large-format acrylic paintings is always ‘the woman‘. beloved.Her favorite Italian singer Zucchero in his song
Domenig’s works are facetted, emotionally charged, often ‘Never is a Moment’ sings “From your head down to
a fairytale and a mysterious snapshot between dream and your toes, you are so beautiful, divine ...”. In this same
reality, captivating the viewer. Her works are colourful, way, every man should sing of his woman, feel for her,
life-affirming, touching, aesthetic and respectful. and carry her in his arms. Domenig wants to tell stories.
ANGELS, 2017 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 31.5X47.5 IN. | 80X120CM. 153