Page 145 - 36-Artists-To-Follow
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and invention that will uplift both you and the world in   interpretations are as equally valid as his. The very act of

            which you live: this is the very essence of hope.    seeing is to enter a relationship. This is why the figures in his
            Creativity for Ruspoli is a unique form of discovery. Like   work are placed so viscerally in relation to each other, and
            an archaeologist of his own imagination, he gently reveals   why it stimulates a powerful shared reflection on relatedness.
            hidden layers whilst discovering the essence of the image,   A vital part of interpretation is our emotional response, which

            which may origin in ancient or classical art, dance or   is not solely the preserve of a ‘refined’ academic elite. The
            theatre. This process involves lengthy working through of   experience of being together is the essence of his work, so
            ideas on canvas, like Beethoven’s compositional technique   he hopes his work is able to share that precise experience
            of constantly evolving thematic sketches. This requires   with you. You could say his message, theme and vision is to

            austere Zen-like mental discipline, where he can get   co-create an experience of emotional connection, whatever
            himself out of the way so his art can create itself.  it happens to be on that precise moment of that particular
            The relational concern of his work embraces all viewers: your   day, with you – here – in this space together.

                                                                 
                GIVEN THE TRUTH ABOUT LIFE, OIL ON CANVAS 24X30 IN. | 61X76.2 CM.            A SAFE ZONE, OIL ON CANVAS 31X24 IN. |78.7X61 CM.   141
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